Home Economy Special Autonomy Volume II Allows Papuans to Become Helpers of the Homeland,...

Special Autonomy Volume II Allows Papuans to Become Helpers of the Homeland, by Diaz Makalingga


Diaz Makalingga | Papuan student living in Yogyakarta

Papuan sons who want to become members of the Indonesian National Army (TNI) can breathe a sigh of relief because there are rations for them, through the Otsus route. This privilege is obtained because the number of soldiers in Papua is still insufficient. Besides, a Papuan son will also be proud because he can protect his homeland, by becoming a member of the TNI.

Special autonomy will be resumed next year. The Papuan people support the extension of this program because it has proven to have advanced the region. Special autonomy funds that reach trillions have made the earth of paradise a modern area, no longer only containing virgin forests and hills. Papua is also now known as an international tourist destination.

Apart from getting enough money for development in Papua, special autonomy also makes Papuans smarter. Because they got scholarships up to college. High school graduates are also allowed to apply to the army academy. There is even a special lane for special autonomy allocations, especially for Papuan youths.

Brigadier General Ferry Zein, Chief of Staff of the XVIII / Kasuari Military Region stated that 3,000 new non-commissioned officers were needed. Because the Kasuari Kodam still needs more personnel. For this reason, the recruitment of prospective members of the TNI for the special autonomy route was opened. In that sense, all processes, transportation costs, and others are covered by the special autonomy fund.

Ferry has contacted mayors, governors, and other regional heads to implement this recruitment program. Because they can instruct them to make announcements to Papuan who want to become soldiers. So that they can realize their dream of being an apparatus and defend the country they love.

The opening of the Special Autonomy Pathway NCO candidate program was highly welcomed by Papuan youths. Because they want to become protectors of Indonesia by becoming soldiers. However, sometimes cost problems are hampered because they need gas money to get to the provincial capital, lodging, and other logistical needs. so you can’t just have reckless capital.

When there is a new hope of becoming a soldier on the Special Autonomy Pathway, Papuan youths who are less fortunate can breathe freely. They will receive pocket money and guarantee their needs during the selection process for non-commissioned officers. In this way, the special autonomy funds will be channeled into a kind of scholarship for Papuan youth and will be very beneficial for their future.

The Kasuari Military Command prioritizes Papuan youths to become military recruits because they physically meet the requirements. Because he is used to walking and passing through the nature of Papua, which sometimes trails up and down, his strength cannot be doubted. With physical capital and high school diplomas, they can be accepted as candidates for security forces.

Also, Papuan youths are familiar with their region. So when assigned to various areas such as Manokwari, Yakuhimo, to Merauke, you will be mentally ready. It is a matter of pride to be a soldier and maintain order in his homeland. So they are getting more enthusiastic about practicing, to become qualified non-commissioned officers.

The special autonomy fund is very useful, both for physical development on the land of paradise and for improving the quality of human resources

Therefore, special autonomy in Papua should not be stopped just like that. The special autonomy funds for non-commissioned officers will also be very beneficial because Papuan youths can register to become the army without worrying about the costs.

Let us welcome volume II of otsus with joy because the funds are also channeled for the needs of Papuan youth, who will become non-commissioned officers. They are prioritized because they are native sons of the paradise earth and are hoped to be able to participate in maintaining peace in the Papua region.


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