Home Economy Proposed Better Governance of Papua Special Autonomy Fund, by Belle R.

Proposed Better Governance of Papua Special Autonomy Fund, by Belle R.


Belle R. | Papuan Obsrever

The Director General of Fiscal Balance of the Ministry of Finance (Kemenkeu), Astera Primanto, submitted a proposal for the management of Papua’s special autonomy (otsus) fund. The government continues to provide discretion for Papua to carry out its specificity through funding in the form of Block Grants.

The government proposed an increase in Papua’s special autonomy fund to 2.25 percent from the previous two percent. Of the 2.25 percent figure, the Block Grant funding scheme is one percent and 1.25 percent uses the Specific Grand funding scheme with Performance Based.

Astera explained that the government directs some of the funding to produce more targeted outputs and outcomes through Performance Based funding based on the proposal of the regional government (Pemda). The central government then provides assistance to the local government’s proposal.

“So the central government will not just let go, but we will do a hand holding, so this is the direction to go there”

This is done so that Papua’s special autonomy funds are more effective. The Ministry of Finance will involve the relevant ministries/technical institutions to review the proposed program or activity.

Astera said that performance was one of the variables in the allocation of special autonomy funds. Then, there is a medium-term master plan (RIJM/Grand Design) which contains outcome and output targets as well as more transparent accountability and is able to describe real outputs.

The points of improvement in the governance of the special autonomy fund are planned to be regulated in the Draft Special Autonomy Government Regulation. However, Astera said, this is of course based on the progress of the bill deliberation process, whether the points of improving the governance of the special autonomy fund are part of the law or not.

He explained that the general principles for improving the governance of the Papua Special Autonomy Fund were efficiency, effectiveness, economy, transparency, accountability, attention to propriety, benefiting principles, and participation. The policy directions are equal distribution of services and improvement of the quality of education and health, infrastructure development, people’s economic development, and improvement of the quality of life for OAP.

The use of Papua’s special autonomy funds will be focused and given clarity in terms of the authority to use it. According to him, so far there are many rules that are not clear.

Regarding planning, the Ministry of Finance will encourage the creation of RIJM so that there will be no changes when changing regional heads, so that the existing budget can really be allocated. RIJM is also supported by an aspirational and comprehensive annual plan, proposed funding needs and mechanisms, parties involved, required documents, and timeline, taking into account the dynamics in Papua.

Budgeting for Papua Special Autonomy funds is based on performance, unified budgeting, and the Medium Term Budgeting Framework (MTBF). Meanwhile, the allocation will use the formulation of allocations between provinces, between provinces and districts/cities, as well as between districts/cities within one province.

The distribution of special autonomy funds implements general policies that are based on performance achievements. Implementation and administration uses policies and activity implementation documents that ensure that special autonomy funds can be easily evaluated.

This includes implementing monitoring, guidance and supervision mechanisms that encourage more effective and efficient implementation of special autonomy fund activities by involving relevant ministries/institutions and the community.


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