Home Politics Supporting the Expansion of the Papua Region to Improve the Welfare of...

Supporting the Expansion of the Papua Region to Improve the Welfare of the Papuan People | By Lerry K.


Lerry K. | Papuan Observer

Member of Commission II of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, the PAN faction, Guspardi Gaus, supports regional expansion in Papua in accordance with Law Number 2 of 2021 concerning Special Autonomy (Otsus) for the Papua Province.

According to him, although the government has implemented a policy of moratorium on expansion in the territory of Indonesia, this policy does not apply to the Papua region.

“Because the Papua Special Autonomy Law is given the opportunity for regions in Papua to expand through the formation of a New Autonomous Region (DOB)”

Of the four planned changes in the Papua Special Autonomy Law, 17 changes were finally approved.

This shows the commitment of the government and the Indonesian House of Representatives to accelerate development in the Papua region,” he added.

In addition, the legislator from West Sumatra explained, data from various sources that in the last 20 years, more than Rp 1,000 trillion of funds have been disbursed by the government from various sources.

For this reason, Guspardi strongly supports what the Saireri Regional Heads Forum forum has attempted to ask the central government for regional expansion in Papua.

Hopefully the central government can immediately process the proposal for the Establishment of a New Autonomous Region (DOB) for the Seireri Province to accelerate development in Papua,” concluded the member of the DPR RI Baleg.

On the other hand, the community appreciates the plan for the expansion of the Papua region. With this policy, development will be easily implemented.

Previously, Wiliem Wandik as the Regent of Puncak said that ideally Papua has 6 provinces. This is because the span of control between regencies in Papua and West Papua is still difficult to reach for people who need services.

According to Wiliem, the addition of 4 new provinces in Bumi Cenderawasih is very important and strategic for the national interest as well as for the Papuan people. For this reason, Wiliem hopes that the expansion in Papua can be realized soon.

Moreover, the President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo is also ready to absorb the aspirations of the Papuan people who want expansion in Papua and West Papua. In addition, there is also support from the DPR regarding the discourse.

The good thing about this expansion has received a lot of support from various parties, especially Papuan community leaders, one of which is Niko Maury as the Chair of the Red and White Front in Jayapura City and the Head of the PPM Department of Papua Province. community that has been conveyed since ten years ago.


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