Manokwari, W Papua (ANTARA News) – The Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) has set a target of an increase of 2 thousand investors from West Papua Province by 2018.
Head of BEI Office of Manokwari, Adevi Sabath, said during a media gathering in Manokwari, the capital of the province, on Saturday that the number of investors in West Papua shares in 2017 reached 906 people.
In January 2018, the number increased to 956 people. Sabath stated that the office will work optimally to encourage more people to invest through securities offices under the BEI.
According to Sabath, only the cities of Manokwari and Sorong dominated the number of investors from the province. In other areas of the province, the number of investors was not significant enough.
“We are still expanding campaign and literacy programs by targeting various circles, from students to communities,” Sabath stated.
He remarked that there are only five investment galleries currently formed, which were in the University of Papua and Institute of Economic Science of Mah-Eisa in Manokwari city, and in Viktoria University, Institute of Economic Science of Bukit Zaitun, and University of Muhammadiyah in Sorong city.
In addition to providing services in the investment galleries, the Monokwari`s BEI Office is carrying out educational training for the community of motorcycle drivers.
“We see that the communities have quite high interest in investing their capital. Recently, many people in the areas were deceived while investing their capital,” Sabath explained.
Reindhra Nadyarian Artika Putri, the Manokwari`s Indo Premier Representative Officer, was optimistic that the investors` transaction value in West Papua Province will increase in 2018.
“In 2019, from 285 investors, the transaction value reached Rp11.9 billion. In February 2018, from 35 investors, the transaction value reached Rp3.5 billion,” Putri revealed.
Putri believed that the value of stock purchase transactions until the end of December 2018 would be much larger than last year.