Home Security Hoax and KST Provocation Disrupt Peace in Papua | by Alba Wirawan

Hoax and KST Provocation Disrupt Peace in Papua | by Alba Wirawan


Alba Wirawan | Papuan Observer

Peace in Papua is almost disturbed by the issue of hoaxes and provocations deliberately spread by the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST). They always make new maneuvers to suppress the psychology of the community, so that the public is expected not to be affected and remain calm in responding to the hoaxes and provocations of KST Papua.

Indonesia consists of many ethnic groups and skin colors, including Papua. In eastern Indonesia, physically it is very different from the original Javanese or Sundanese. However, we always realize that differences are beautiful and should not be a problem, because Bhinneka Tunggal Ika and is committed to maintaining the unity of Indonesia.

However, recently the issue of racism has emerged in Papua, when there was a riot in the apartment in South Jakarta, which was protested by Nigerian citizens. So that this event is used by KST who is supporting black lives matter. The reason is because KST feels that this is a case of racism.

Yet what is happening here is not the same as in America. If in America there are officers who cruelly pin someone to death, then in Indonesia it’s a different story. It cannot be generalized, let alone related to the issue of racism in Uncle Sam’s country, because it is not apple to apple.

Head of the Jakarta Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Ibnu Chuldun, explained the chronology: immigration officers checked (which is usually done regularly) in an apartment in the Kuningan area, South Jakarta. There was a Nigerian citizen who was emotional because he did not want to show his identity card and temporary residence permit (KITAS) which caused a commotion.

Finally, the officer took the initiative to be taken to the immigration office. However, in the vehicle, the foreigner became increasingly emotional and fought the officers, then he screamed, struggled, and bitten, until the officers were bruised and bleeding. He even wanted to break a car window with an electronic vape. Spontaneously, the officers held him so that he would not act and endanger all passengers.

Arriving at the immigration office, the foreigner just admitted his status as a diplomat. It was this miscommunication that shocked the public, because why didn’t he want to tell the story from the start? Is it difficult to show KITAS? Officers deliver to the immigration office because they are doing their job, not because of racism or other causes.

This issue was burned by KST and they echoed the issue of black lives matter again. It is as if the violence that has occurred in America and Indonesia is the same, just as racist. In fact, it is not the same, because in Indonesia it happens because foreigners are not cooperative, and our government has never used the issue of SARA when enforcing regulations.

Black lives matter never existed in Indonesia, and the public needs to see the case of Nigerian foreigners as a whole. The government never intended to muzzle Negroes and Papuans with similar physical characteristics, because it is tantamount to violating Pancasila. We are a pluralistic and Bhinneka Tunggal Ika nation, and there is no difference in treatment of all ethnic groups in this country.

“Don’t let the nationalism of civilians be taken away because of the actions of the OPM, because people are influenced by hoaxes”

In fact, do not want to separate from Indonesia. They understand that hoaxes and propaganda that are spread are made to psychologically suppress civilians. But people know that KST always wants to mess up and seek attention in a negative way.

The hoaxes and propaganda spread by KST are very annoying because they always distort the facts, when in reality they are not true. People are asked not to be influenced by the issues out there, which are spread by KST, because they deliberately created them to destroy peace on Earth of Cendrawasih.




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