Home Economy Papua Special Autonomy for Equitable Development, by Novanto Nararya

Papua Special Autonomy for Equitable Development, by Novanto Nararya


Novanto Nararya | Papuan Observer

The government is alleged to have planted Special Autonomy for Papua. The people of Papua are looking forward to continuing this special autonomy because it is able to realize equitable development.

2001 was a milestone for the Papua and West Papua regions where the 2 Provinces had obtained the status of the Papua Special Autonomy (Autonomy) Region. With the issuance of Law No. 21/2001 and West Papua through Law No. 35/2008.

Apart from aiming at accelerating and catching up with development from other regions, the spirit of determining the status of Otsus is the granting of the widest possible authority to local governments to formulate, formulate and compile development strategies needed by local communities.

The seriousness of the government in developing Papua and West Papua is evident from the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 5/20017 on the acceleration of Welfare Development in Papua and West Papua Provinces. The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, has continued to accelerate development through the issuance of Presidential Instruction No. 9/2017 concerning the acceleration of welfare development in the Province of Papua or West Papua.

For almost two decades Papua’s status as Otsus has been implemented. Observer of Papua and International Politics Imron Cotan, evaluation needs a gradual

“There must be a fundamental change in the evaluation of the implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy program. Namely, reviewing or evaluating it in stages”

Imron also said that, according to his calculations, since the special autonomy program began until it will end in 2021, more or less the special autonomy funds for Papua that have been distributed have reached Rp. 100 trillion.

The funds are provided by the central government to provinces in Tanah Papua to develop four strategic sectors, namely education, health, infrastructure and the people’s economy from the general allocation of 2 percent.

On a different occasion, the Papua Police Chief Inspector General Pol Paulus Waterpauw assessed that there have been many progress felt by indigenous Papuans since the eastern tip of Indonesia returned to the homeland of the Republic of Indonesia in the 1960s, especially since the implementation of the special autonomy policy since 2001.

On the development side, almost all districts / cities in Papua and West Papua are now relying on funds from special autonomy funds to be able to develop their regions because the potential for genuine blood income (PAD) has not been fully exploited.

Based on these facts, the regions have no reason not to support the special autonomy policy in the Papua and West Papua Provinces.

Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal and Security Affairs (Menko Polhukam) Mahfud MD, Papua’s Special Autonomy Law (Otsus) remains in effect. This was conveyed by Mahfud MD after holding a closed meeting with the Minister of Home Affairs (Mendagri) Tito Karnavian, Chairman of the MPR Bambang Soesatyo, Deputy Chairman of the MPR Lestari Moerdijat and a number of DPR members.

Currently, the Papua Special Autonomy Region is nearing the end of its implementation in 2021, so it is necessary to get input on its implementation so far and how it is sustainable.

One of the candidates for the Regional Secretary (Sekda) of Papua, Dance Yulian Flassy, ​​SE., M.Si, spoke about the standard of living of the Papuan people, as well as providing opportunities for indigenous Papuans, should be based on basic values ​​which include protection and respect. on ethics and morals, the basic rights of indigenous peoples, human rights, the rule of law, democracy, pluralism, and equality, rights and obligations as Indonesian citizens.

On the other hand, on the way to the end of the implementation of Otsus Papua, groups in the Papua region consider that Otsus Papua has not had a significant impact on the welfare of the Papuan people.

The former Regional Secretary of Tolikara said that there was an opinion that the special policies of the government had not been proven by the conditions of the socio-economic welfare of the Papuan people.

However, in fact the “failure” of the implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy was not entirely the fault of the central government, because the provincial and district / city governments in the Papua and West Papua regions also contributed to the failure to implement the Papua special autonomy.

He then suggested, there needs to be a sustainable implementation of the Papua Special Autonomy Policy Volume II. This is based on the views of regional leaders, academics, heads of indigenous groups, religions, including the indigenous Papuans themselves regarding Special Autonomy for Papua Volume I which they feel is lacking in implementation.

This means that the Grand Design of Papua Special Autonomy needs to be rearranged so that there are similar guidelines in implementing Otsus. The Grand Design should be well socialized in order to stop the interpretation or propaganda of the Special Autonomy which has drowned the important agenda in this policy.


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