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Rejection of Papua’s Special Autonomy Result of Provocation by People Outside Papua | Leony R.


Leony R. |    Papuan Observer

The head of the Ngalik Tribe, Silimo District, Yahukimo Leonard Giban revealed surprising facts regarding the refusal of Otsus Papua.

He said that the rejection of Otsus that came from the community was caused by the provocation of a number of parties who wanted to divide Papua.

Indigenous Papuans are easily provoked by people outside Papua. Benny Wenda (ULMWP Chair) and Sebby Sambon (OPM Spokesperson) are Papuans who do not know anything about the conditions in Papua, they are not present here, they are only hiding and provoking from abroad.

Leonard also gave his support for the PON Papua which was just opened by President Jokowi on 2 October.

According to him, PON XX Papua is a gift of trust from the state and government to Papuans.

“There is an important point obtained through PON, namely Papuans can and are able to organize a big event”

The same thing was also conveyed by the Silokarno District Community Leader Doga Wempi Mabel. He also provided support for the continuation of Otsus Papua volume II. He assessed that the presence of Otsus so far has provided many benefits for the Papuan people.

He also hopes that the positive impact of Otsus will be felt by future generations. Wempi also hopes that the formation of the Papua New Guinea, the division of districts, the division of districts, and the division of villages will create new job opportunities for young people in the area.

Not only that, the community leader of Kainui II Village, Angkaisera District, Yapen Islands Lewis Aninam gave full support for the continuation of Otsus Volume II Papua. According to him, this policy can help advance the Land of Papua.

Lewis also hopes that Otsus Volume II can also provide benefits to rural communities, including Angkaisera District, especially in terms of health services and infrastructure development.

The same thing was also conveyed by Community Leader of Merauke Regency Kasimirus Gebze. He said that Otsus was one of the solutions for the welfare of the people in the easternmost province of Indonesia.

He also added that Otsus is a development solution that can improve the welfare of the community. Because if you only expect the APBN and APBD, then many areas in Papua are not touched by development, especially in mountainous areas.

Regarding the refusal by a group of people, Kasimirus said that a group of residents who rejected Otsus were suspected of being ridden by a certain person.


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