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Condemns KST Heinous Act of Destroying Public Facilities in Papua | by Negara Sutasoma


Negara Sutasoma | Papuan Observer

The community condemned the heinous action of the Papuan Separatist and Terrorist Group (KST) which again rioted by destroying public facilities in Papua. All elements of the Papuan people support the TNI/Polri to immediately suppress KST so as not to create chaos and threaten the safety of civilians on Earth of Cendrawasih.

Papua is a beautiful area but unfortunately it is littered with KST’s actions which often cause riots. They often threaten civilians, attack the police, and even destroy important public facilities in Papua. These repeated crimes are indeed annoying, because they commit actions that are detrimental to the country as well as its people.

“People need to be aware of any movement from KST in Papua, because until now KST has damaged various existing public facilities”

In September 2021 KST burned down public facilities in the form of elementary and junior high schools, teachers’ houses, health centers, health workers housing, and village halls, in the Okhika District, Bintang Regency. This shows the brutality of KST towards public facilities in Papua.

After receiving the report, the joint military and police officers and the Nemangkawi Task Force immediately went to the location. They immediately gave chase so that KST members were caught. The pursuit will continue tomorrow and the day after, until the target is reached, because this time KST’s actions have gone too far.

The community also criticized the burning of a number of public facilities carried out by KST. First, this incident is certainly materially detrimental, because the value of buildings can reach hundreds of millions of rupiah, and school buildings and public facilities are usually not covered by insurance. So that it is the Papuan government that loses because they have to build it again, and the construction period of the building is also not short.

Second, public facilities should not be burned, no matter how minimal the damage. As a good citizen, an Indonesian citizen should take care of the facilities provided by the government, because it exists to be used by many people. However, KST members had the heart to burn it and make people suffer big losses.

Imagine if a Puskesmas building was destroyed by fire, what would happen to the patients? If they need first aid, then there is no representative building as a place for treatment. In addition, if there is a fire, the supply of medicines and vitamins can also be forfeited so that the losses will be even greater.

Not only the Puskesmas but the housing for health workers were also burned by KST. In fact, doctors, nurses, and midwives are at the forefront of the health sector. Especially during this pandemic, they are willing to treat corona patients who need help. However, KST never thought that far, because all they had in mind was revenge and anger towards Indonesia, and health workers were a representation of the government.

Moreover, KST also burned down the school building and the teacher’s house. This shows that they do not like education. Whereas only with education, a region can progress and become even better its economy. If KST members refuse education, then they themselves are at a loss because they can easily be fooled by other parties.

KST will continue to be chased to their headquarters, so they don’t cause riots and fires. The reason is, this is not the only time they have acted, because in May 2021 they also burned public facilities in the Biak area. This vandalism cannot be tolerated because it is detrimental to the state and the general public.

The community criticized KST’s actions for burning various public facilities, even though civilians desperately needed them. Therefore, they strongly agreed that when the Nemangkawi Task Force continued to pursue KST, so that many of its members were caught, and the terrorist organization disbanded by itself.


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