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Human Rights Court in Papua Becomes Serious Concern of Special Committee for Revision of Special Autonomy Law, by Derry R.


Derry R. | Papuan Observe

The chairman of the Special Committee (Pansus) for the revision of Law No. 21/2001 on Papua’s Special Autonomy (Otsus), Komarudin Watubun supports institutional strengthening in Papua. Including, the proposal of the National Human Rights Commission (Komnas HAM) regarding the clarity of representative offices and human rights courts there.

He explained that in Article 45 of Law Number 21 of 2001 there is an order to establish a human rights court in Papua. However, until now, human rights courts in Papua could not be established because Law No. 26 of 2000 concerning Human Rights Courts stated that in the early stages there were only human rights courts in four cities, namely Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar.

“The establishment of a human rights court in Papua is a sign of the seriousness of the Government in looking at the problems in Papua”

Symbolically, the existence of a human rights court by the government is an effort to support the implementation of special autonomy.

He explained that in the discussion of the revision of the Papua Special Autonomy Law, no revision was made regarding the article. However, he ensured that the establishment of a human rights court in Papua would be a serious concern for the Special Specialist Special Committee for Papua, which he chaired.

If 20 years ago, said Komarudin, all parties were negligent in responding to the problem. But now, he said, that human rights issues in Papua would be a serious concern for all parties.

Previously, Komnas HAM requested that there be a court and Komnas HAM in Papua. This is because human rights courts in the early stages only exist in four cities, namely Medan, Jakarta, Surabaya, and Makassar.

In Article 45, the Special Autonomy Law also orders the government to form representatives of Komnas HAM in each province. However, to this day, Komnas HAM has not been able to open a representative office in West Papua, while the government is planning the expansion of a new province.

Meanwhile, Deputy Chairperson of the Special Committee for Special Autonomy for Papua, Yan Permenas Mandenas, said that attention to strengthening institutions for the protection and fulfillment of human rights includes representatives of the National Human Rights Commission, human rights courts, and judicial settlement of human rights violations throughout the province of Papua, including the provinces to be formed.

Member of the Special Autonomy Special Autonomy (Otsus) DPR Habiburokhman also said that the protection of Human Rights (HAM) is not only for Papuan People, but for the whole community.

The politician from the Gerindra Party faction appreciated the explanation from the Head of Komnas HAM who said that human rights enforcement is not only limited to handling violations such as violence, the right to live, the right not to be tortured or the like, but the right to economic and social welfare needs to be upheld.

The reason is that the issue of human rights in Papua is the focus of the central government’s attention because of the many cases of human rights violations that have occurred as well as criminal acts against civilians by the KKB.


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